Chiropractic Adjustments

 If you have back pain or neck pain, the discomfort can limit your mobility and significantly impact your quality of life. At American Chiropractic & Auto Injury Center in Lakeland, FL, we provide various treatments, such as chiropractic adjustments, to reduce your symptoms and help you heal. Before visiting us, learn more about these treatments below:


Understanding Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments are targeted manual manipulations that are applied to joints and spine. These manipulations help correct misalignments, known as subluxations, which can interfere with nerve function and cause pain. During the treatments, our chiropractor uses their hands or specialized instruments to deliver gentle adjustments and properly align the joints.

Benefits of Chiropractic Adjustments

Chiropractic adjustments can provide a variety of benefits. Some of these benefits include:

  • Pain relief: Chiropractic adjustments are highly effective for various conditions, including back pain, neck pain, headaches, and joint pain. By addressing the underlying cause of pain, such as misalignments, the adjustments can provide lasting relief.
  • Improved mobility and flexibility: Subluxations can restrict joint movement and cause stiffness. With chiropractic adjustments, we can restore join function and increase your range of motion.
  • Enhanced nervous system function: Chiropractic adjustments can remove nerve interference caused by subluxations, allowing the nervous system to function optimally. This can positively impact various bodily functions, including digestion, sleep, and immune system response.
  • Reduced inflammation: Chiropractic adjustments can help reduce inflammation, which relieves pain and allows your body to heal faster.

When to Seek Treatment

If you're experiencing pain, limited mobility, or other health concerns, you might consider chiropractic care. When you visit us, we will speak with you about your symptoms and perform a thorough evaluation. Once we determine what is causing your discomfort, our chiropractor will develop a personalized treatment plan for your specific needs.

Contact us for an Appointment Today

Whether you have persistent shoulder pain or frequent headaches, our team at American Chiropractic & Auto Injury Center in Lakeland, FL, can help. To learn more about our treatments or to schedule your first appointment, contact us at (863) 701-0109 today. When you need a chiropractor near me, we look forward to assisting you!


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3:00 pm-6:00 pm


8:00 am-12:00 pm


9:00 am-12:00 pm

3:00 pm-6:00 pm


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8:00 am-2:00 pm

